Monday, June 2, 2008

How to Give Your Partner a Prostate Massage

Prostate massage, when performed on a regular basis, Aromatherapy Course be used as a preventative treatment against prostate cancer. It is good for prostate health in general, and can decrease the risk of prostate enlargement--that is, benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH). Prostate massage is also a form of sexual play. Whatever your reason may be, lets say you would like to do prostate massage on your husband or partner. Here is how to go about doing it.

First of all, make sure he is okay with having a prostate massage. Let him know the procedure so that he understands what will happen. If he seems comfortable with it, then you can go Natural Aromatherapy with it.

Keep your fingernails neat and trim. File off any jagged edges.

Ask your partner to urinate or do a bowel movement before having a massage. It is important that he should be as relaxed as possible. You may want to try a relaxation technique as well.

Clean your hands, use a sterile latex glove, and dab a bit of water-based lubricant on the gloves fingertips. Then gently insert your fingers into his anus. Carefully push them inwards and upwards, against the rectal lining towards his front Aromatherapy Business Move your fingers roughly the direction of his navel.

You do not have to push in too far, just a little more than an inch--about 3 cm. Then you will touch the prostate gland, a small round bulb of tissue about the size of a large walnut. Give it a gentle massage by rubbing it lightly along its sides. Do not press hard on the glands central portion, as that is where some sensitive nerves are located. Do not touch the prostate gland with your fingernails.

At some point, your partner may feel like he wants to urinate, even though he does not have to. That may feel somewhat confusing, but try to reassure him and, if he is okay with it, you can continue.

Your partner will become stimulated and may even ejaculate--but it is all right if ejaculation does not occur, as it doesnt always happen.

And that is how you give your partner a prostate massage.

Read all about about">Milking the Prostate along with other helpful tips and articles at">


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